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Apoyo a familiares y cuidadores

La siguiente información es útil tanto si usted es una persona que vive con problemas de salud mental como si tiene un ser querido que vive con una enfermedad mental. Sin embargo, queremos que sepa que tenemos una sección especial en nuestro sitio web dedicada a aquellos que son amigos, familiares o cuidadores de alguien que tiene problemas de salud mental. Haga clic aquí para visitar nuestra sección de apoyo a familiares y cuidadores.

If you or someone you know may benefit from a counselor or mental health center, here are some questions and guidelines to help you find the right care.  Where you go for help will depend on if the person who needs help is an adult or child and what symptoms they are experiencing.

Of the 5.4 million people who sought mental health treatment in 1990, less than 7% required hospitalization.

Which mental health professional is right for me? There are many types of mental health professionals. Finding the right one for you may require some research. Below is a listing of types of mental health treatment professionals to help you understand the differences between the services they provide.

People with mental health conditions often find psychotherapy-or "talk therapy"-very helpful. The type and length of your therapy will depend on your personal situation and insurance, and your therapy may be part of an overall treatment plan that includes medication or other treatment options.

Health insurance is one of the best ways you can protect yourself and your family in case you get sick or injured and need medical care. It also helps you get the regular medical and dental care you need to stay healthy.

This booklet explains how to get started using your health insurance. If you have more questions, remember that you can always call your health insurance company or your medical provider directly. 

Researchers believe that the symptoms of mental illness come from chemical imbalances in a person's brain. A medication works on these imbalances to reduce your symptoms, or sometimes, to relieve them completely.  It's important to remember that medications are not cures.

While the majority of people with mental health conditions will likely not need to spend time in a hospital or treatment center, an individual may need to be hospitalized so that they can be closely monitored and accurately diagnosed, have their medications adjusted or stabilized, or be monitored during an acute episode when their mental illness temporarily worsens. Hospitalization may occur because someone decides it is the best decision for themselves, at the insistence of a family member or professional or as a result of an encounter with a first responder (emt/paramedic, police officer, etc.).

Knowing when and how to give support can be difficult to figure out. You may want to protect your family member or friend, but remember that learning to manage one's own affairs, pursue goals and become independent are important aspects of an individual's recovery from mental illness.

The following information, forms, and documents will assist your loved one to have a voice in their care and an equal opportunity in work, treatment, school, and everyday life as they live with a mental illness. As you encourage your friend or family member to use the tools below, they will become more involved in their treatment, feel more in control and become more independent.

If you are a caregiver of someone with a mental illness, it is normal to feel unprepared or confused on how to help them. Feelings of inadequacy are common but remember, you are not alone and there is always professional help available. Here are 5 tips for being an effective caregiver...

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Recursos de apoyo para la salud mental

Toda la información proviene del sitio web de Mental Health America .


When your mental health is suffering, you naturally want to get help to make it better.  There are many different treatments and ways to support your mental health.  Many people who are diagnosed with mental illness find strength and recovery though participating in individual or group treatment.  There is no treatment that works for everyone.  It's best that you choose the treatment or combination of treatments that work best for you. Sometimes they can be hard to find or pay for, but that's why we have provided you the information below.  Someone is always there to assist you.  If you have additional questions that are not answered below, please visit our online support group and we will be sure you get the answers you need.

Cómo afrontar el día a día

Acepte sus sentimientos: es posible que niegue las señales de advertencia, se preocupe por lo que pensarán los demás debido al estigma o se pregunte qué causó que usted o su ser querido se enfermaran. Estos sentimientos son normales y comunes entre las personas que atraviesan situaciones similares. Infórmese leyendo y hablando con profesionales de la salud mental. Luego, comparta lo que ha aprendido con los demás.

Cómo manejar un comportamiento inusual: Los signos externos de una enfermedad mental suelen ser conductuales. Estos signos incluyen estar extremadamente callado o retraído. Por el contrario, las personas pueden estallar en lágrimas, tener mucha ansiedad o tener arrebatos de ira. Hable sobre estos comportamientos con un profesional de la salud mental y desarrolle una estrategia para afrontarlos.

Establezca una red de apoyo: busque el apoyo de amigos y familiares. También puede encontrar un grupo de apoyo que le brinde la oportunidad de hablar con otras personas que estén experimentando el mismo tipo de problemas.

Busque asesoramiento: la terapia puede ser beneficiosa tanto para la persona con enfermedad mental como para otros miembros de la familia. Sea paciente y hable con varios profesionales para poder elegir a la persona adecuada para usted y su familia.

Encuentre más información sobre cómo afrontar el día a día aquí .

© 2025 by Davis Mental Health Group

A Mental Health Organization 

Proudly created by Katrina Griffin with


813 Avenida South State, Freeport, IL 61032

El contenido del sitio web de Davis Mental Health Group puede incluir contenido proporcionado por otros sitios web y organizaciones asociadas con enfermedades mentales. Davis Mental Health Group proporciona el contenido únicamente como un servicio a las personas que buscan información. De ninguna manera el material que Davis Mental Health Group ha proporcionado constituye una cura, recomendación o tratamiento. Davis Mental Health Group no es responsable de ninguna información proporcionada por terceros.


(815) 318-2082

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